Harriet Harriss 

100 Women:
Architects in Practice

RIBA Publishing, Forthcoming


Harriet Harriss, Naomi House, Monika Parrinder, Tom Ravenscroft.

100 Women: Architects in Practice
aims is to provide a directory of innovative, inspiring, and remarkable women architects from across the world that will offer an easy-access resource for teaching, referencing, academic and professional recruitment – and also – project hiring and commissions.

What will also distinguish this book from other generic-sounding books on women in architecture is its commitment to showcasing the work of women architects from 'wealthier' or 'Western' nations alongside those from the more-often neglected or ignored geographic regions such as the Global South.

This ensures that long-standing imperialist/colonial biases are not further reinforced or perpetuated and that students, architects, and professionals from allied disciplines and sectors can find a more profound connection to innovative architecture beyond their own personal context, culture, and curricula.

Further to this, this book will aim to focus on architectural processes over outcomes and feature concept drawings, prototypes, interdisciplinary experiments, and co-design, among other examples.